Wednesday 30 June 2010


Apologies for dropping off the radar. Truth is, we went through a wobble.

When we first started talking about opening our marriage, I asked for a list of what we would get out of it. There was was item on that list that I didn't understand - "The Journey". Now, I love travelling, and I'm very aware that it's often better to travel hopefully than to arrive, but I think I now appreciate what he meant by it. I rather naively thoughts that once we'd crossed the line, and allowed others into our lives, that would be the journey complete. How wrong I was.

Anyway - the good news: It's been choppy, but safe harbour has been reached. We've have had some deep conversations, discovered some more about ourselves, each other, and our marriage, and it's all worked out quite nicely. So nicely, in fact, that I'm getting back in the saddle, and going on another date. Soon.

So, if you're still there, don't go away. I'll be back with all the gory details, past, present and future.


  1. Glad to hear things have settled down a bit. Please continue. Many of us are waiting with baited breath.

    - BigBill

  2. If you are interested in a slightly different perspective, from the 'invited gentleman's side, read back in my blog...

    I had no idea what I was being introduced to when I answered a call from a couple, and had similar thoughts to yours, except from a guy's side. OMG, I've just done what, right in front of him..??!!
